Walker Percy The Loss Of The Creature Summary

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Synopsis of The Loss of the Creature How does someone know when their experiencing something as a whole? Do they feel happy and content with it or should they feel excited and empowered? These may be a matter of opinion questions, but Walker Percy, the author of this story has a specific viewpoint on the topic that makes very clear sense. In order to read the story, an individual has to be open minded and truly think about what it means. It makes people think about the past and even what can happen in the future. The detailed descriptions in the Loss of the Creature made me think about the overall meaning of a symbolic complex along with Walker Percy’s input and my own experiences. Furthermore, as people in a modernized society, many of …show more content…

They need to reach the recovery stage so they understand the concept that Percy is trying to achieve. Above all else, leave any preconceptions at the door while trying to experience new activities. While reading the loss of the creature, it was a rather in depth reading. It had me thinking about the consequences of everything I do and whether or not I’m really experiencing life events. Have I been holding myself back from seeing the whole picture? Have I had an unbiased opinion and been able to create my own views of something or not? After reading the story, I thought about it more and realized there were some situations in the past where I haven’t been able to experience something through my own eyes. Therefore, sadly, a preconceived complex has affected my life. This almost makes me sad to think about because there is a question of what if. What could have happened if I experienced an event or place as a whole? Would things have gone better and differently? The only thing left to do, is to look at the future as an opportunity and remember to go off the beaten path every once in a while. Thinking back, there may only be a few times I’ve fully experienced a place in my own eyes. In these situations, it’s been times where there has been no set in schedule and there was free time to do whatever we wanted. If anything, these were the times that felt effortless and open minded. To me, this is partially what Percy had in mind. I’ve honestly only seen most places from a sightseer’s point of view. Which makes me think of why I haven’t tried more to see things

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