Waking Up Research Paper

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The alarm emits an ear-piercing screech, colliding with my ear drums waking me up. That is the only way I am able to wake up in the morning. I tiptoed across the room, planked with woods that make squeaky noises when you step on them--they are the worst. It is almost impossible to make it through without commotion and waking up my sleep deprived parents. After I have mentally prepared myself for the day ahead, I approach my drawer and concoct what I will be wearing today. For the next 10 minutes, my brain transforms into a permutation map for three possible outfits I own. “This black pant would go great with this striped shirt and I can pair that with my blue bowtie” I whisper to myself as I also try to visualize it in my head. “If I wear this today, what will I wear tomorrow?” my inner voice proposes. We reach a consensus that we can worry about that tomorrow.
“Hey, cute outfit Farhan. Looking dapper as always”
Receiving compliments always boosts my …show more content…

The word extra is often associated with me because according to people I will do more than what is required-- in this case overdressing for school. Dressing up for any occasion can be a simple matter. However, there is a special reason I dress up: Be perceived as someone who has the potential to be successful or even create a good first impression. My attire is one of the way people remember me by. Junior of high school, I would go to this Starbucks right near my school daily. The same barista would serve me every day and came to know me as the “Bow tie guy” since she did not know my name. Similarly, in my second interview with the Friends of The Highline Myrna-- the head of the office-- and Tia-- a leader of Green Council-- mentioned after a got the job that my professionalism and attire gasped their attention and that’s how they remembered me. This is what I aim to do rather than just simply dressing up for

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