Wage Laborers in the North and Freedom

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Before we can determine if the wage laborers in the North were able to exercise freedom we have to know what freedom is. According to www.dictionary.com freedom is the power of self-determined attribution to will; or the quality of being independent, the power or right to act, think, or speak, without hinderance or restraint. The wage laborers may have worked long hours for little pay but they were more than able to chose and make decisions for themselves and they didn't have that bad of conditions.
“Labor republicanism inherited the idea that designing men perpetually sought to undermine liberty and to “enslave” the people. Chattel slavery stood as the ultimate expression of the denial of liberty” (Pg 341). What the book is trying to say is that people have always wanted to take away liberty and enslave people, but slavery of the blacks took it to an extreme level. Compared to the slaves the wage laborers had ample freedom.
Slavery might have had better conditions like: clothes and medical care, according to New York Historical Society but, Wage laborers could leave work and go...

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