Villas Of The 1920's Essay

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Case Study: Villas of the 1920’s
Le Corbusier and Alvar Alto both designed villas with an idea on modern architecture during the twentieth century. While both designed villas based on their views of twentieth century modern architecture, these villas are very different and are represented in a multitude of different ways. The Villa Savoye, by Le Corbusier, and the Villa Mairea, by Alvar Aalto, are both examples of great architecture during the 1900’s that are both comparative in their own nature. While Corbusier focused on hovering volumes, mechanization, and his five points of architecture; Aalto focused on organic architecture and the beauty in curving and unpredictable lines. This differentiation resulted in Le Corbusier’s style to be the …show more content…

His 5 points of architecture include “Pilotis, free plan, free facade, stripped windows, and a roof terrace.” (Ching et al). He adopted his 5 points of architecture in 1926 and his villas incorporate these forms very well. In the 1920’s the modernization of architecture was very common throughout the world and Le Corbusier played a huge part in the understanding of what that idea was. Le Corbusier designed with “a vision of the ideal city, a philosophy of nature, and strong feelings for tradition,” (Curtis 163) and successfully invested these creations with a “universal tone”. However, Corbusier’s early investigation in what a universal tone was is what makes some critique Corbusier’s ideas and work. Never the less, the architect had a dualistic approach to many dilemmas which made it very hard to argue with him. Le Corbusier “claimed to be both a rationalist and a scientist” and had rather “fundamental, tragic views” (Jencks 142) looking at mechanization and technology as both necessary and “infinitely impure.” (Jencks (143). Though through these experimentations he recognized cubism as a natural modernist form and adopted his five point of architecture on the idea of mass producing houses during post

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