Vietnam's Bowl Of Secrets David Farley Summary

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There are many ways in which a traveler can come to understand a culture. Many people have the idea that by visiting certain places, they are captivating the culture that exists there. I can say that this is further from the truth. In both “Vietnam’s Bowl of Secrets” by David Farley and “Caliph of the Tricksters” by Christopher de Ballaigue, the authors experience the culture with one thing in particular that ties many aspects of that same culture together. For David Farley, it was the detail in the recipe surrounding the dish called “cao lau”. For Christopher it was the cockfighting scene that demonstrated the hardship the city had faced.

In both cases it is evident that the authors had gone further into the culture than a tourist who just …show more content…

As stated on page 102 “The town now has a modern system for running water, but the residents still make the pilgrimage to Ba Le.” This understanding of this culture is a mission that David wanted to comprehend in his quest for the recipe. He says “I’m just a food-loving traveler obsessed with unraveling weird mysteries”. In today’s world, most people do not need to be obsessed about anything in order to get the real essence of a place of travel. Most of the time all they really need to do is talk to the residents of that community. Learning from people’s life story is more significant than just stepping foot on a famous place. Yes, it can be very touching seeing nature or a great mosque, but that has no meaning to me if you cannot explain things through the resident’s eyes. I have been fortunate enough to visit several Latin American countries. All of my visits have been magnified because of my interactions with the local people. For instance, in the Dominican Republic I stayed at a missionary place for the majority of my stay. I visited an orphanage and I got to understand how hard it is for kids when their bones calcify due to lack of movement. I also got to learn about their passion for baseball when I …show more content…

He spoke to a policeman named Fakhri who told him that the season of cockfighting starts in December and continues to spring. He speaks of how the act is illegal because it involves gambling and it is against the Islamic Law, yet he says that “The sport is gaining in popularity, and attendance and bets are growing.” Christopher then says that the word illegal has a particular meaning in Afghanistan. This example is specific to Afghanistan, but many cultures also provide perfect examples of how the essence of so called “illegal” activities are part of the core culture which people practice. In Colombia for example, it is illegal for people to use gun powder and or firecrackers during the festivity seasons, yet people still continue to do it because it is tied to tradition. Part of that tradition in Colombia is also the launching of self propelled hot air balloons with designs called “globos.” They are now illegal, yet people still launch them in December for the tradition it ties of the gathering of the neighborhoods where music and food is shared at the

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