Victory Garden Propaganda Poster

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The propaganda poster that I made, was made to inform people to conserve food by growing their own food in Victory Gardens. This poster has many elements that explain the meaning and intended use. To begin, poster has Bugs Bunny in the bottom right hand corner saying, “Build your own Victory Garden.” This allows the person reading the poster know the specific action that must be made to help the war effort. In the corner opposite of Bugs Bunny, he planted his own Victory Garden to help provide carrots for himself so he did not have to go and buy carrots. He also helps inspire kids to build their own gardens, by showing that he has one himself. Also the main slogan says,”No Matter how Little, You Can Help Too.” By saying this, kids and other people who …show more content…

One historical fact covered though this poster is, the idea that everyone is an important part of war. Even the children were encouraged to find ways to help. One way kids could get involved in the war is by growing gardens, thus, allowed the production of food that would help feed everyone in their family. Also, families only had a certain allotment of food that they could buy from the store. This was done though rationing books. Theses are books that kept track of the amount of bread and other items a family could use each month during the war. In return, the food that a family was allowed to get became limited because food production was turned to the war effort and feeding the troops. Due to this, kids and families grew their own food to help fill the gap for food and help the war effort. To add, this poster used the propaganda technique called bandwagon. I portrayed this by using Bugs Bunny and his garden full of carrots to encourage people to make their own gardens. In addition to Bugs Bunny, two boys and two girls each had their own garden growing, showing that they joined Bugs Bunny to help the

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