Veterans Providing A Caring Environment: VETSPACE Case Study

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Veterans Providing a Caring Environment Veterans Providing a Caring Environment (VETSPACE), a non-profit aimed directly at providing service and care to homeless veterans, has impacted an innumerable amount of individuals in the Alachua County area for over twenty years. The institution not only provides beneficial services, but also supplies transitional housing to those in need. Social media influences the society as a whole and allows relationships to form between corresponding parties. An establishment can use these links to gain followers and generate additional outreach. This report summarizes the mission, needs, and social media awareness to assess the strength of VETSPACE’s current online presence. Background VETSPACE commenced in 1994 when Dr. Elizabeth McMahon, PhD and fellow Gainesville veterans concluded a need for local community efforts in the growing plight involving homelessness. Governmental endorsement and laws help provide a foundation of support; however, assistance from within the city allows physical aid to veterans in need. Dr. Elizabeth McMahon PhD felt a personal interest in contributing to the cause due to her relationship with a former war hero. Captain Joseph “Mac” McMahon Jr., Elizabeth’s brother, served the United States in the Korean War from 1953 to 1954 in the army. His time spent …show more content…

Despite this active media sharing, the association has fewer than 150 followers. More followers must be generated to build a dedicated group of people to lobby for the cause. The organization disappoints in that it does not post any announcements about current or upcoming happenings for supporters to see. On the positive side, a link to the website can be obtained for online surfers to find out more information. VETSPACE’s social media only has room for improvement in the quest for broadening community awareness and support

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