Values Of Difficulty Analysis

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For my critique I chose “The values of Difficulty” by Judith Butler. In this article Butler responds to an opposing article by Denis Dutton. Dutton critiques her writing style because she uses complex language that isn’t needed. Butler believes that articulate language is needed to question common sense as well as to provoke thought. In my critique I will discuss the complex language Butler uses and discus her opinion on common sense.
She argues that in the humanities articulate writing is needed to provoke thoughts. She states that in humanities they seriously discus many horrific issues such as slavery and women not being able to vote. (147) Butler states that. By being articulate you are able to challenge these issues that are thought of …show more content…

Instead complex language can over complicate things. Overall I found this article to be very confusing due to the language she used. Butler used many complex words such as tacit, nefarious and paradoxical. By using these words this article came off as too confusing for me and lead me to get frustrated with myself. Teaching using complex language causes students to not understand what the writer is saying. When the student doesn’t understand this can cause anger, self-doubt, and sorrow. Not knowing or understanding complex words leads to students not understanding multiple sentences which results in the student not getting the point. This problem then leads students to not value the course because they don’t understand what they’re learning. Therefore this causes problems in the present and in the future for students. Presently students skip class or don’t do the work which results in poor grades. In the future this will also affect their studies because they didn’t learn simple lessons due to teachers over complicating things. Furthermore this also affects the student not learning the lessons that Judith Butler wanted them to comprehend (interrogate?

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