Using Systems with PBXs

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Using Systems with PBXs

Using systems with PBXs give companies a great deal of flexability in planning for their needs because they can set up their codes to accomplish the functions needed in their particular situations. In fact, the PBX can be programmed so that each individual extension within a system can take advantage of features applicable to its own business needs.

A few of the features that are available with PBXs and key systems are: call transfer, which allows internal or external calls to be transferred from one telephone to any other phone in the system; one-way voice paging, which can be answered by dialing the operator from the nearest telephone in the system; automatic push-button signaling, which indicates the status of all phones in the system with display lights and buttons; camp-on, in which a call made to a busy phone automatically waits until the line is idle; and internal and external conference capabilities, which enables outside callers to conference with several inside users.

Some features provide services such as night telephone answering, telephone traffic monitoring, and network or hot-line connection. These examples are but a sample from the features possible with computerized PBXs.

Some other features automatically handle incoming telephone calls. Automatic call waiting not only holds calls made to a busy extension until the extension is free, but also signals the person being called that a call is waiting and informs the caller that he is on hold. Automatic call forwarding will send calls to employees who are temporarily in locations other than their offices, provided they "inform" the PBX where they can be found. Automatic call distribution automatically send an incoming call to the first extension that's not busy--a useful feature for situations in which any one of a group of persons in the organization can adequately respond to incoming calls. Another example is automatic call back, which allows a caller who reaches a busy line to ask the PBX to return his or her call when the line is free.

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