Use Of The Atomic Bomb In World War Two: Zachary Russell

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Use of the atomic bomb in WW2 Zachary Russell

Was the use of the atomic bomb necessary? YES Dropping the atomic bomb was necessary to end the war with Japan at the earliest possible moment. The Japanese had demonstrated near-fanatical resistance, fighting to almost the last man on Pacific islands.
The topic of the atomic bomb is controversial. Some people believe that it shouldn't have been used some do. There are lots of people that agree with my topic. The bomb's use impressed the Soviet Union and halted the war quickly enough that the USSR did not demand joint occupation of Japan. According to at least nine countries now have nuclear weapons, but the United States remains the …show more content…

YES The atomic bomb was necessary to end the war with Japan at the earliest possible moment. The first atomic bombs were used in the context of the Allies' World War II policy of strategic bombing. Only a generation or so ago, nuclear war between the US and the Soviet Union, each with its allies, was a real, if remote, possibility. Since then the threat has faded, or at least changed. Nuclear weapons are still on the international agenda and will remain so. We worry less about the end of civilisation, but more about local conflicts and rivalries in which possession of nuclear weapons is a source of prestige, a military deterrent, a means to intimidate and an instrument of foreign policy. Hence the fuss over North Korea, Iran, Pakistan, India and Israel, and, in the background, the fear that terrorists might gain access to such weapons or learn how to make them. There may be people who agree and disagree or maybe both . So the atomic bomb was it useful, or …show more content…

When other countries realized that America held this type of power, they began the race to develop their own. We expect soldiers to be killed and injured in wars However in nearly all wars civilians also suffer because of the fighting. In some wars civilians have been killed in purpose. During the second world war the nazis organized the murder of millions of jews and slavs who said they were inferior(Hitler's Reich). It created a great amount of animosity and anger between the two nations, that still exists today. America’s atomic bombs were finished by the end of 1944---but would they work? In the south of new mexico, 230 miles from los alamos, was the remote alamogordo bombing range where the US military tried out new weapons it was here in an area code named trinity that the world’s first atomic bomb was tested. nuclear strategy, a policy for the use of nuclear weapons . The first atomic bombs were used in the context of the Allies' World War II policy of strategic bombing. Early in the cold war , U.S. policy was for massive retaliation with Strategic Air Command bombers in the event of war with the USSR. In 1949, after the Soviets exploded their first atomic device, the United States elaborated other policies, but these did not affect the ever-increasing numbers, types, and explosive force of nuclear arsenals throughout the

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