Use Of Metaphors In Anthony Doerr's The River Nemunas

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In Anthony Doerr’s short story, “The River Nemunas”, metaphors are simultaneously distinctive to the character’s memories to strive toward the reader’s perception. Allison, a girl that is fifteen years old is sent to live with her grandpa in Lithuania after the death of her parents. As the girl pursues after her mother’s childhood the grandfather refuses Allison to stop because the comparison of emotional connection between his daughter and granddaughter is to intolerable for him. Now as Anthony Doerr translate this world into language, we can turn our eyes outwardly to see otherwise.
The way Anthony Doerr uses his writing structure of metaphors is to strive complexity, toward questions, and away from stereotype. From the national post says, …show more content…

Anthony Doerr in all short stories use rhetorical analysis triangle: Ethos, pathos, and logos. In the interview, the question arise on how the research for new story of Doerr can be compelling? Anthony answering that research goes beyond sitting in a desk “research is also traveling to places, or studying a snowflake with a magnifying glass, or excavating your memories” (para, 9). He does the research for ever story and is knowledgeable for instant, he knows how rare it is for a sturgeon to live in the river of Nemunas. To him the research of learning about worldly things is so interesting and that is what makes in fall in love with it. Mohar invest with Doerr asking that is self-reflection is his ability to inherent such a meaning for his own work or perhaps inherent for the readers. Doerr states that characters are all different then who he is personally, but fundamentally he might be writing about himself he states, “my own fears, loves and interest” (para, 22). Through his literature he wants the readers to be able to see the world diversely in different

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