Upside-Down Policy Pros And Cons

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In 2016, former President Barack Obama created the Upside-Down policy, providing equality for the transgenders in the Lesbian Gay Bisexual and Transgender community. For many years, members of this community have longed to be accepted in society. To begin spreading equality, former President Obama decided to start with the military. The policy explains the use of facilities and restrooms for service members. According to the policy, transgender service members cannot use facilities associated with their preferred gender until they complete the gender transition process and their gender marker is changed in personnel files. A complete transition does not have to include the surgical procedure, instead just medical documents stating a complete …show more content…

In July of this year, President Trump was contradicting and chose to ban transgender people from serving in the United States military, which would reverse the Upside-Down policy. Using a social media platform, Twitter, the president announced his decision. His tweets suggested that transgender service members cost the military enormous medical expenses. White House administration haven’t make any decisions or sorted out the details which will answer many questions, such as whether this ban impact members already serving for the country or incoming members. Although the administration hasn’t committed to a decision, President Trump said he did discuss his plans with his Generals and military experts, which lead to his announcement ("Trump to ban transgender U.S. military personnel, reversing Obama", 2017). Surprisingly, Defense Secretary James Mattis was not aware of President Trump’s announcement. Mattis was away on vacation during the time of the president’s decision and didn’t agree with the …show more content…

This perspective describes the parts of society and their way to promote stability and an equilibrium. Social institutions, parts of the society, include family, government, economy, media, education, and religion (Crossman). President Trump believes that banning transgender service member will provide a stable economic status. Spending less money on medical expenses, the military will have more funds to provide necessary supplies for the entire unit. More supplies will create a better defense against terroristic threats, causing a more harmonious society between military and economy. As a result, it has brought people together in our society to fight against and support those it impacts. In response to his decision, many people used the Conflict Perspective. In this perspective, there’s a realization that society is full of inequalities. Some members of the society have scarce resources, such as wealth, power, and prestige (OpenStax, 2015). President Trump is higher on the hierarchy chain and has more power in our society. Even though there is a check and balance system, the president can get his plan into action with the help of supporters within the system. With this power, he can make unreasonable decisions without having to consult the people that it impacts

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