Unrealistic Women's Body Images

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The Effects of Unrealistic Women’s Body Images in the Media Society has always set guidelines for the people of the world, whether it is purposeful or not. Celebrities, advertisements, and media play an immense role in guiding society’s mindset. Currently, one of the biggest controversies in the media is the concept of the “perfect body.” The “perfect body” is a thin, hourglass figure with toned muscles and clear skin, which are traits unattainable for many women. The portrayal and promotion of only this body type have harshly influenced some young minds of what their own body should resemble and have produced harmful effects, including eating disorders. A vast number of advertisements nowadays are alike in one way: most of the models have …show more content…

An average person views at least 5,000 advertisements in a day. (Johnson) A skinny body is the main body type represented in most of them. Only viewing the representation of one body type can embed the mindset that that is what the normal body type is, and anything else is unnatural. Possessing this mindset can be extremely harmful. An increase in many individuals’ body image issues and insecurities occur when they compare themselves to the models in the advertisements. They feel the desire to resemble the thin women in Victoria’s Secret commercials or the toned men in Calvin Klein posters, instead of being confident in their own skin. This affects men and women of all ages. It is extremely common for young girls to develop insecurities before they enter middle school. Most of them still battle the same insecurities as they grow older. …show more content…

People want their bodies to be similar to the photoshopped models’ when not even the models truly appear that way in real life. The erasure of models’ imperfections instills the idea that those features are not normal and should be hidden, not celebrated for their unique beauty. (Diller) These unrealistic ideals can eventually become a gateway to more serious problems, such as anorexia and bulimia. These disorders are not as uncommon as people believe. These standards can place so much pressure on a person that they feel the only way to achieve a beautiful body is by possibly hurting their own health.

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