Universal Health Coverage

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Universal Health Coverage “Universal health coverage is an ambitious goal, but it is one that can create a healthier and more equitable world for all people. It means a child reaches adulthood, and adults lead healthier lives regardless of who they are and where they live ” (Adhanom, n.d.) . Enacting universal health coverage in the United States would be a great start to creating a healthier and more equitable world, and would provide continuous health coverage, lower employer cost and permit adults and children to practice preventative healthcare regardless of who they are and where they live. While all states currently offer health coverage, for children and some adults, through the federal Medicaid program, citizens must meet specific …show more content…

According to Clarke, Norris & Schiller (2017), 9% of Americans, 3.8 million children under the age of 18 and 24.5 million adults between the ages of 18-64, were uninsured in 2016 (p.3). Looking at more statics, of the Americans with health coverage in 2016, 39.3% had a high deductible health plan; within that 39.3%, 15.5% struggled to pay their health care expenses and 9.2% deferred medical attention or did not seek medical attention due to the out of pocket expense (Cohen & Zammitti 2017 p. 1-4). Enacting Universal health coverage would ensure that all Americans are provided with quality health coverage without the financial burden for seeking medical …show more content…

Regular preventative check-ups can early diagnose illnesses and they can be treated or prevented before they become detrimental. This not only saves the patient time and money but can also help improve their overall health. Universal healthcare is also important in creating a “healthier, more productive population, resulting in increased economic productivity and reduced poverty‐ ultimately fostering economic development. Citizens with access to healthcare . . . are more likely to seek treatment earlier and . . . [can] continue to lead a healthy and productive life” (Brady, 2017, p.1). Universal health coverage would ensure quality medical care for all of society without financial burden, guarantee continuous coverage that is not based on job or demographics, bring economic growth to our nation by eliminating employer health benefit costs, and create a healthier economy through preventative health

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