Unit 24 S2

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S1: it is in the area. One of my jobs is to be on the lookout for healthy recipes to share with that class. Next month we decided we are doing oven-fried recipes not southern fried. That is we pick a super food every month but this time we are going to take a super good. [laughter] instead of super food. And so I am collecting lots of different oven-fried fish that are done with canola, a table spoon of canola oil, And oven-fried green tomatoes and all kinds of things. It might be good to share some things like that with each other and create a cook book that could be shared digitally among all of us at no cost at all. But I collect recipes like that every month and they just go to one place. I could send them to live-well as well. …show more content…

Just a follow-up question. Just for polices, where do you think polices should be listed, because we heard different places people would put them. Should it be sent out to the committees? or when boards have different events, do they have to get permission, maybe do they have polices like "Reminder - when are you planning your menu?". What was the process where should we post it?

S3: I do not know if it is documented or not but I know the person is so bi-culinary committed, she is here, she is in a other area. The recipe, the menu for the bereavement meal, she is aware of that. Also caterers, whoever we use outside, know our menu well enough to tell, they know what to send to us. But they have tired different ways, what was that night you had? They had a night, tell them about that night.

S4: Oh yeah, a healthy taster, we had a healthy taster before bible study one night.Where members and culinary members were able to bring in healthy meals. We just gave a taste of each item and we had a lot, we had a lot of people show up that were not on our culinary ministry with food, and it was

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