Undocumented Latinas The New Unemployed Mother Summary

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In “ Undocumented Latinas: The New Employable Mother”, the author argues that undocumented Hispanic women living in the United States should receive equal rights as documented workers living in the United States. Domestic workers who have been continuously contributing to the economy, paying their taxes and just praying, wishing and hoping for change and a more prosperous future for their children. Hispanic woman and mothers who work rigorously day to day. These Hispanic women are not only workers, they are mothers and nurturers who are just trying to survive in this country. During the last decade, there has been an increase of Latin American Immigrants migrating to the United States. Which presumptuously insinuates the idea that more …show more content…

Nannies and housecleaners and caregivers are what make other jobs possible. If you have two professionals who have responsibilities of their own and need to work, yet have nowhere to leave the children they can easily just pick up the phone and find themselves somebody who can do the job for them. If there was nobody to look after the children, they would not be able to go to work until you found somebody that they trust enough to take care of their children. Domestic workers make life for a large number of people a lot easier. Employees no longer have to worry about who will be feeding their children, washing their clothes, picking them up from school and so on. At the same time, they know that after a long day of work they will be able to come home to a clean house; offering a piece of mind to many. Without the help of domestic workers, many people would not be able to live their lives as they normally do. Domestic workers need to start receiving the rights and respect they …show more content…

Why pay a documented worker $600 a week when you can pay an undocumented worker $175 a week for the same work? The middle and upper-class families are readily able to find affordable care for their own children at the expense of poor immigrant working women and their children . More Hispanic domestic workers are more likely to get fired once their employer finds someone else who is willing to work for less. Insinuating the idea that these undocumented working women are disposable and can be easily replaced. Not only that, workers often become attached to the children they are for. Which would make it an extremely emotional and saddening dismissal for both the worker and the

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