Understanding Acting White Summary

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In “How to Understand Acting White” Richard Thompson Ford comes to the conclusion that desegregation is the cause of the derogatory phrase acting white. Black students are verbally attacking other black students for conforming to what they see as the expectation of white society. Another writer Alfred Lubrano touches on some of the issues in Ford’s writing in his book “How College Corrupts”. The main ideas of Lubrano’s article can be interpreted to give a new perspective to Ford’s article on “understanding the concept of acting white”. By showing a similar struggle with the loneliness of academic excellence, Lubranos article further exemplifies similar attitudes in Ford’s writing. Lubrano's article also facilitates a new layer to the concept …show more content…

The stories in “How College Corrupts” show disconnects between the academic life and social lives of students.Lumbrano states “Books were establishing a disharmony between the classroom and Rodriguez’s house. Preoccupation with language and reading is an effeminacy not easily understood by workers. It sears your soul to finally decide to talk like your teacher and not your father. This works because acting white is attributed to academic pursuits which creates a feeling of alienation from the people closest to you. Lumbranos gives a story that can be tied to the concept of acting white, to the rejection of the pursuit of education by “workers”. This adds clarity and support to the phrase “acting white” in Ford’s article by showing another way in which a character can be seen as acting white.An example where books extablished a disharmony in Rodriguez’s …show more content…

When Rita Giordano chose Syracuse in “How College Corrupts” her friends made remarks like “what do you do up there”, “don't you get home sick”.It wouldn’t be a stretch to tie these reactions to their feelings of rejection by Giordano. “Acting white” just like “stop snitching”, could simply be an human expression of anger for those who diverged from the group expectations.In “How College Corrupts” Lumbrano, notes “it was confusing to come home and see people thinking that you’re not doing what they’re doing, which meant you’re rejecting them…Don’t they see it’s still me?I wondered.I started feeling like,how do I coexist in these two worlds,college and home?”.Giordano’s friends just like black students in Ford’s article, felt rejected and saw her as different .Questioning her decisions can be seen as their form of calling her out as “Acting White”.Lubrano’s article displays a new way in which “acting white” can be percieved.One where black students are venting their fustrations at the rejection they felt, just like Giordano’s

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