Underlying Issue of World War 1

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The assassination of the Archduke Franz Ferdinand may have been the trigger for World War 1 but tension between these countries had been escalating for years. Due to alliances, militarism, and imperialism, countries began to take sides as each country challenged each other in a political and economical war. It evidently caused severe damage with all the underlying issues.
Alliances were easily made since there were mutual friendships between countries. In Document A, it argues that the separation between the Triple Entente and Triple Alliance was a clear trigger for WW1. The competition between each alliance increased, deepening their issues with one another. This competition resulted in World War I. Also, in 1915, when Italy switched sides from the Triple Alliance to the Triple Entente, it harmed Germany and Austria-Hungary. Not only did it harm them, but also angered them, causing the two countries to be eager in the war. In Document B, the cartoon published a month after war broke out by Chicagoan; John T. McCutcheon resembled the tension and hatred between the countries. The cartoon displays the variety of allies blaming each other while Italy stays neutral. In the background of the cartoon, the hand in the left top corner pointing at the death of peace in Europe is the United States. Since the United States wasn't involved until 1917, it resembled the neutrality among some countries.
A variety of countries were involved in imperialism. Imperialism was at its peak when Germany got involved in the war due to its support by Austria Hungary. “We dont want to step on the toes of any foreign power, but at the same time we don't want our own feet tramped by any foreign power….” [Document D]. When German Chancellor; Bernhard Von B...

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...ument F, size of colonial empires were big in a majority of the countries except Austria-Hungary and Russia. The British colonies had the greatest advantage with the immense population of 400,000,000. With that advantage, Britain was able to have more workers to be drafted into war. Whereas Italy didn't have that advantage due to its low population. Another advantage that countries with the high population like Britain, was that the people of the country improved the economy through taxes. Essentially, the people were used to gain a better military for a harsher war.
Before World War 1, these disputes were certainly the issue generating tension between alliances. After years of maintaining the same issues, it lead up to the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand. Alliances, militarism, and imperialism were the most crucial complications that lead to World War 1.

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