Under Armour Research Paper

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Like most things surrounding us today, Under Armour started with an idea. Kevin Plank was a 23-year-old college student when he decided to do. In 1996 he had an idea that stemmed from his life experiences: playing football. Back when he played football, he was tired of always having to change out of his sweaty gear, which was made of cotton. Plank wanted to change how athletes dressed, and the way that they felt in their gear. The first Under Armour product was named #0037. #0037 was a HeatGear T-shirt, which wicked away sweat. It was designed to keep athletes comfortable. At this point in the brand’s history, Plank was working out of his Grandmother’s basement in Washington, D.C. in the Georgetown area. He began to travel back-and-forth along the East coast, selling his first product out of the trunk of his car. By the end of the year, Under Armour had a total revenue of 17,000 dollars. Two years later, at the end f 1998, Plank moved the new HQ of Under Armour from his grandmother’s basement to Baltimore where there was also a warehouse. …show more content…

The movie starred to big names: Al Pacino and Jamie Foxx. In the movie, the football team sported the UA brand. With the success that came from the movie, Plank realized an opportunity to leverage more of this type of positive exposure. He made a bold move and brought the first ever printed to the magazine ESPN. It was a risky move, but it paid off by generating an increase of 750,000 dollars in sales and helped increase awareness of his brand. Plank was now able to put himself on payroll, which he hadn’t been on since the start of UA. Currently, the brand was starting to have an association with retailers and professional sports leagues like baseball and the

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