Undensome Childhood Sociology

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INTRODUCTION Several studies conducted in the last couple of years have shown that the majority of criminals diagnosed as criminally insane have had a burdensome childhood, a great lack of education, are often born into corrupt communities and tend to stay in similar areas as independent adults. When a child is deprived of having the basic necessities of a proper upbringing, they are less likely to finish school. An inadequate education coupled with an inappropriate upbringing contributes to a misled lifestyle often accompanied by unemployment and the tendencies to move into high crime areas in order to afford housing. This begs the question, is it possible to improve these children’s life’s before they commit their crimes, and is it feasible to do it without benefitting the family so much to the point where they become reliant on the assistance they receive. CHILDHOOD Patrick Fagan of Heritage.com reports that the rise of violent crimes parallels the rise in families abandoned by their fathers (Fagan). Fagan also reports that only about 10 percent of kids that are raised in an inner city, coupled with an unstable home, are able to stay out of crime for their entire lives (Fagan). Without a father figure in these children’s lives, the mothers are sometimes forced to work multiple …show more content…

Too many promising and deserving youths are being thrown into homes in high crime areas, and being expected to receive a quality education, sometimes while only being supported by one parent. This trend needs to stop, and it’s not going to fix itself. As Americans, if we have the ability to take actions, we have the responsibility to take actions. It is our job to end this spiraling problem and give the youths of America the proper upbringing that gives them the potential to do great things when they grow up to be prosperous

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