Unbiased Reflection Of Prejudice And Colonialism In The Film Heritage Africa

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In the film Heritage Africa, a colorful and unbiased depiction of Ghana and the effects colonialism on this country we are introduced to a series of both, self-deprecation and pride, of the people of Ghana. The director Kwan Ansah lets us see these effect through the eyes of Quincy an educated Ghana native who been recently given the position of district commissioner. With him now being a liaison between the disgruntled natives and the Englishman who are representing the imperialistic views of the Queen.

Ansah open with first scene being inside of a Christian church filled with black faces receiving their sermon from a white pastor which is being interpreted by an African pastor.
When a teacher decides to give the children the true history of their ancestry he is forced out. This shows the great pride that some Africans still had in their hearts for Ghana. As difficult as it may be to attain a position even as educated man in Africa this teacher was willing to display his nationalism by sacrificing his position to enlighten the minds of new Africa of what imperialist educators may want to keep from them. Education plays a major role in colonialism one I can admit I wasn’t aware
Kwaw shows us this again when one of the leader of the of the radical movement switches sides and cause the death of people in the same movement he was just pushing for what it seems to be status and monetary gain. This division even comes in to play even in Quincy’s own home as he loses his wife due to the rift between them over the death of their son. His child died after receiving a beating called a “flogging” his injuries resulted in his death and Quincy’s defense of the ritual would cause his wife to leave him. He later courts another woman of whom which he is pleased by her education al

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