Tyranny Power Research Paper

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Tyrannical Power

The question why is power so easily corrupted into tyranny is something that has been important to humanity for a long time. The simple answer to that question is that power corrupts human beings who wish for power.
There are many ways to gain power. Convincing others of the same status that the current system is corrupt and that with a new idea everyone can benefits seems to be the method used to most.
Simply the reason others believe the ambitious party is because most of the time they system is corrupt and flawed. The fact that the previous system was corrupt makes it easy for a new group or individual to seize control. Then the new system works fine and everyone is happy until the new power holder realizes that others listen to them and start to exploit others with their power. Why this happens is because for a short time everything is better. Those the power holder commands see what life used to be like and say “Hey this new leader has made everything better we will do whatever he asks.” Then the whole process starts again when an ambitious party or person starts the whispering. …show more content…

When this happens the person or group in power my start to believe that what is harming others does not matter because it barely affects their citizens. The issue with this is that after a while what “barely affects their citizens” builds up and starts to cause issues. Another why power is so easily corrupted into tyranny is that those with power often believe that there is a reason they have power so they should use that power. The issue with this is that very often that person abuses the power in order to make a more comfortable life for

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