Write An Essay On Machine Learning

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1.1 Machine Learning
The major focus of machine learning research is to extract information from data automatically, by computational and statistical methods. Machine learning is closely related not only to data mining and statistics, but also theoretical computer science. Machine learning has a wide spectrum of applications including natural language processing, syntactic pattern recognition, search engines, medical diagnosis, brain-machine interfaces and cheminformatics, detecting credit card fraud, stock market analysis, speech and handwriting recognition, object recognition in computer vision, game playing and robot locomotion [1].
Machine learning is usually divided to two types, supervised learning and unsuper- vised learning.

1.2 Types …show more content…

A toy example of classification, you would like to use software to examine individual customer accounts, and for each account we need to decide if it has been hacked or compromised. We have two classes of objects which cor- respond to hacked or compromised. The input are individual customer accounts. These have been described by a set of D features or attributes, which are stored in an N * M matrix X. Also we have a training vector Y (hacked = 1; compro- mised = 0). Thus we are required to generalize beyond the training set and find which attributes belong to hacked and which attributes belong to compromised. There exist a number of supervised learning classification algorithms, for example, Decision Tree and Naive Bayes classification …show more content…

The goal is to discover internal connection in these data. Unlike supervised learning, these data cannot told what the desired outputs for each input. Unsupervised learning is more typical of human learning. It is more widely used than supervised learning, since it does not require a human experience (no need to labeled data). La belled data is not only expensive, but also cannot provide us with enough information. The example of unsupervised learning is clustering data into groups. X1 and X1 denotes the attributes Of input data, but they has not given outputs. It seems that there might be two clusters, or subgroups. Our goal is to estimate which cluster each point belongs to. There are three basic clustering methods: the classic K-means algorithm, incremental clustering, and the probability based clustering method. The classic k-means algorithm forms clusters in numeric domains, partitioning instances into disjoint clusters, while incremental clustering generates a hierarchical grouping of

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