Type 1 Diabetes In The Family Essay

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The family unit is affected by the diagnoses of diabetes. Diabetes does not only affect the child, but the parents. Since the child is fairly young when diagnosed with diabetes, they are the ones responsible for taking care of the child as well as the diabetes. “Families described the illness as being deeply rooted into their everyday lives”. This shows that many families feel that the diabetes has affected their lives in some way. In medical circumstances like this it is hard to allow the child to make choices for themselves. Many parents feel overwhelmed and frustrated because in the first few years after diagnoses, it is extremely stressful to learn and manage the diabetes. Type 1 diabetes is considered to be a chronic illness. Having a chronic illness at any age is hard but having a chronic illness for a child is …show more content…

Having diabetes comes with an unpredictable routine of blood tests, insulin injections and diet management. The parent develops a fear of leaving the child alone in case something were to happen like they have too much sugar or not enough, both of these can happen if the diabetes is not well managed. Parents often do not realize that they have started to become controlling. Many parents reach a stage where they mentally and physically need to check on their child constantly in order to be at ease. When children are young they rely on their parents, they sometime are not aware of exactly what is going on depending on their age. The way the child is feeling about being diagnosed with diabetes is not taken into consideration. A child's voice is often not considered, definitely in medical circumstances for the reason that even if we are diagnosed at the age of fifty it is still hard to understand and come to terms with one’s diagnosis. With children, society has built up this idea of innocence, but often children know more than what we give them credit

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