Tunnel Of Oppression Essay

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Student Experience Wrap Reflections Write up

Please write about your reaction, response, feelings about the Tunnel experience. Express you experience as it has evolved from the Tunnel to as you are writing this. Consider if any situations connected to you or someone you know, if this peaked your interest in knowing more about a situation’s context topic, what concerns you might have, etc.
Throughout the Tunnel of Oppression there were a lot of emotions being felt. The skits that were performed contained sensitive content and language. I could feel the awkward tension in the air because of the social issues that were discussed. I felt uncomfortable at times, but I’m grateful that our school gives students the opportunity to participate …show more content…

In chapter 10 we discussed social sources of stress. Stress is commonly defined as a state of physiological and psychological strain that requires adaptation. Everybody has felt stressed out due to work overload, moving from a home/job, or ending a long-term relationship, but there are certain groups of people that must endure stress over things they have little to no control over. Groups that are targeted are ethnic minority groups, poverty-stricken individuals, and the unemployed community. In the Tunnel of Oppression the students covered skits relating to stereotypes, Black Lives Matter protests, and they displayed images of starving children in third world countries. I realized how debilitating oppression can really be to others.
Did this experience shape you in anyway? How? what are some things you will do to apply what you have learned? For example, do you have an action plan or consideration to help reduce impact of the problem or situational challenge shared in the Tunnel?
This experience was unique to me. Going in I didn’t really know what to expect, but it was something I’m glad I got to witness. Oppression isn’t commonly talked about in schools so the only knowledge I had before the Tunnel was received from tv and the internet. I learned a lot about statistics and raising awareness. Raising awareness itself can make a huge difference! I believe that if taboo topics are

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