Tuesdays With Morrie Inhumane

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Will the human race ever fall so victim to the cruel acts of Inhumanity, that humans might make the world an unlivable place? Will the human race ever fall so victim to the nice acts the humanity, that humans might make the world a livable and enjoyable place? The book Tuesdays with Morrie shows a bit of both, but mostly focuses on Humanity as a good thing. In the book Night, the book focuses on both, but mainly focuses on how inhumane humans can be to one another. Morrie focuses more on the good in humanity, while Elie struggles through his life trying to find if there is any humanity left. In the novel Tuesdays with Morrie, Morrie is college professor that is cursed with a deadly disease called ALS. It slowly starts to take its tole on …show more content…

He suffers a great deal and is locked in a concentration camp for most of the novel. Elie tries to take on the inhumane acts and struggles that the Nazis throw at him. A young boy and his father face the harsh inhumane acts of Word War II’s Holocaust. While Elie and Morrie are on in the same, suffering through dramatic events in life, Elie seems to not have any faith at all in the book. The faith that he once had died very quickly. The events that took place in the concentrations camps were too much for Elie. Most of Elie’s faith in humanity has completely been washed away and put into the garbage. Unlike Morrie, Elie States this after a fellow jew is hung, “FOR God’s sake , where is God? Where is he? God is hanging from the gallows. That night, the soup tasted of corpses.”(Wiesel 65) Throughout the novel Elie gives up on almost everything. He constantly talks about how he would rather die than suffer, while Morrie speaks happy thoughts. They are one in the same because no matter the positive, or the negative attitude, they both fought until the end. Elie is so negative throughout the novel, and he believes that this is what the world has come to. He soon starts to believe that this is all he will ever know. Elie believes that is this is what the life of humanity has come to, Elie does not want to live his

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