Tuesdays With Morrie Essay

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When reading Tuesdays with Morrie by Mitch Albom, when readers analyze Mitch, a former student, helping Morrie, an old professor, through the Feminist Literary Lense, readers can understand that during Morrie’s slow death, Mitch provides him with care taking assistance of a female figure that Morrie no longer has in his life. After Mitch reunites with his old, dying friend, he feels that it is necessary for him to help Morrie with his struggles due to the slow oncoming effects that ALS curses its victims with. When Mitch sees Morrie struggling with going to the bathroom and other small actions in daily life, he asks his assigned caretaker if he can help: “I leaned over, locked my forearms under Morrie’s armpits, and hooked him toward me, as if lifting a …show more content…

The feminine role can shine through a male or a female. Since the ancient times, the feminine role, that associates with the words peace, calm, and wise, is seen as the support for the masculine role, which associates with giving from pure intention. The supportive role from women comes from their wisdom and ability to support and birth a child. In patients like Morrie, ALS often begins with the legs and works its way up. The patient will lose control of their thigh muscles so they can’t support themselves standing. Soon after, the patient's loses control of their trunk muscles so they can’t sit up straight. When the path is nearing its end, the patient will be in a motionless body and they are forced to accept their fate. This is essential for readers to recognize because it shows the level of progression that Morrie is facing and how fast it will all be over. Readers can understand why Mitch would want to stay and help Morrie in his dying days. This gives Mitch the feminine role as described

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