Tuesdays With Morrie Essay

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Life lessons can be brought out into the world today by many different sources. They can be from person to person, or they can be shown through in some other source. These lessons can be interpreted and used in a variety of contexts. Tuesdays with Morrie by Mitch Albom has brought out many different aspects of our lives that we can take a closer look into. As I read this book and interviewed some of my family members, there were three main things that continually stuck out to me. The ideas of family, regrets, and love were all something that caught my attention over and over throughout my interviews and while reading the text. The idea of family is something that is very close to many people throughout our world today. Both my mom and grandma had the same ideas relating to their families. “Your people in your family are the ones that are always there for you, and …show more content…

The idea of love is something that people can go their whole life searching for. “The most important thing in life is to learn how to give out love and let it come in.” (52) It is important because we are loved by God. He loved us first so that we may love one another. You may ask what love really is, but that is something that many struggle to find the answer to. “There are many different types of love, but they all involve a feeling toward someone that you would put their needs before your own.” (Personal Interview) This is a great way of putting love because if you are willing to put someone before yourself, you truly care about that individual. Morrie says, “Love is when you are as concerned about someone else’s situation as you are about your own.” (178) This puts into perspective how strong of a feeling love really is. It justifies why people do some crazy things for love. “Sometimes you cannot believe what you see, you have to believe what you feel.” (61) You cannot see love, but it has a strong feeling. Once you have that feeling, never let it

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