Tuck Everlasting Essay

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Tuck Everlasting: The whole picture from My Perspective Elixir of life with a family that is never grow up. They suspended at the same age. One day after hard-work day Tuck’s family drunk from a spring that located on Treegap which is par of the Foster’s wood. Since they drunk from that spring they never get older. Mea, Angus, Miles or Jesse, no one of them get older. So they decided to keep the secret of the spring until that day when Winnie lost in the wood. Suddenly, she saw Jesse drinking from the spring. She wanted to drink from the spring but immediately Jesse stopped her and he told her about the secret of being immortal, but when Miles knew that he decided to kidnaped her. Winnie’s family went to the constable asking him to find Winnie. The man on the yellow suit went to Winnie’s family telling them he is the only one who knew where is Winnie but he need for that the woods. This man went to the Tuck’s family to take Winnie but Mea stopped him when she knew he want to use Winnie as advertisement for the spring, Mea hit him with gun but he died. …show more content…

This changes are reasonable and excused for some reason like the space for the stage. Although, the part that related to the prison they did not show that on the musicals show because they avoid any violence as much as they can on the show all the actress doing great job on there performance. They are dancing, singing and using a lot of hummer since that gives the story great picture for the people who attending this show. For instance, they called the man in the yellow suite “evil banana”, I found this adding to the story in amazing way for the children as will as for the adults. The wonderful part was when it came to a climax ballet and silently move to the circle of life, each of the family is die he will leave this circle. Even if I am a book person I loved the play and I enjoyed it as much as I loved the

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