An Analysis Of Truman Capote's Excessive Lying

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Truman Capote's Excessive Lying

Truman Capote once said, "I don't care what anybody says about me, as long as it isn't true" (Creative). Surely enough, Capote himself kept true to this statement throughout his life. According to Johnny Carson's ex-wife, Joanne Carson, whom Capote lived with near the end of his life, Capote would take her on imaginary trips to Paris, China, or Spain while in her front yard (Plimpton 422). But on a more serious note, Carson claims that Capote would lie about the simple facts about a party or an outing they had gone on (Plimpton 304). When confronted by Carson, Capote replied, "If that's not the way it happened, it's the way it should have happened" (qtd. in Plimpton 304). Eventually, Capote's lies caused …show more content…

The language fluency includes general conversational abilities and compositional skills (Healy and Healy). Considering Capote was a writer, his verbal skills were noticeably developed. Marie Rudisill remembers that as a young boy, Capote would carry his Webster's dictionary with him where ever he went (Park). In addition, Jennings Faulk Carter remembers that as a young child, Capote was often found having conversations with Nelle Harper Lee's father about words and crossword puzzles (Plimpton 12). Capote even described his fascination with words in a piece he had written. In it, Capote said, "Writing was always an obsession with me, quite simply something I had to do" (qtd. in Plimpton 13). Capote's natural ability for language shows in every piece he composed.

In conclusion, no one will ever know why Truman Capote lied to such an extreme. Maybe he really was a pathological liar; he definitely appears to fit the mold. But maybe he was compensating for the lack of love and attention he received in his earlier years. Or maybe he just thought the lies gave some additional mystery and secrecy to his life. Truthfully, though, Capote might have had the better outlook on life. If life is banal or depressing, make life more pleasurable to remember by making up a new story on how if occurred. Not all lying is wrong, is

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