Truck Descriptive Writing

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It was the summer before sixth grade. I remember the heavy growl of the rumbling truck filled the air as the last of the boxes were placed in the back. With a screech and a clatter, the dreary back door slid down and fastened in place. I stood on the driveway speechless and stared at my childhood home. It felt so distant, unfamiliar with its contents devoured by the grumbling vehicle behind me. My thoughts lingered about the house and for a moment, the air stilled, the rumbling calmed, and it was just me and home. The moment passed, but I found myself unable to move. My feet planted to the ground and my stare became blank and vacant. Why am I leaving? I don't want to go. The words persisted in my head, filling in all the crevices of my mind. When a solemn "It's time to go" entered my head, I snapped out of my daze, and I trudged towards the truck. I strapped myself in and the truck began moving. Looking out the window, I watched as home shrunk and shrunk with every passing second, until it was just a speckle so far away. …show more content…

The sun was setting, emitting a burnt red and orange glow across the sky. The once stagnant air grew bitter and cold. A lump formed in my throat and butterflies ravaged my stomach as I stared at the unknown building that loomed over me. This isn't my home, I declared firmly in my head. It was this moment that I began to reject my new circumstances. Unloading and unpacking my belongings, nothing appeared to be right. Frustrated, I ceased unpacking. Boxes strewn about the room - a mess. The lump in my throat never seemed to pass, nor did the butterflies in my stomach seem to disappear. I don't want to be here, I want to go home, I whimpered in my head. The misery accumulated and filled my head. Why did everything have to change? Why did everything have to be

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