Unnatural Fog Short Story

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My senses awaken to the sound of the howling wind, cold and dangerous on my bare arms. My eyes open slowly, taking in the site of the crumbling landscape before me. A heavy, unnatural fog blankets the grey buildings, its smoky tendrils moving lethargically in the wind. My eyes follow a lone leaf above me, too green and healthy amidst the smog of pollution, a smog that makes my eyes sting and my throat ache. The leaf dances in the wind, gracefully brushing my outstretched hand, only to fall and settle in the melting tarmac at my feet. I turn my back to the destroyed city and begin walking in the direction that the leaf had come from. My footsteps are slow and heavy, as if the fog was restricting me, slowing me down. Somewhere in my subconscious …show more content…

All of a sudden, my legs stop working, as they often do in dreams, and I stand stock still, taking in the new landscape. Here on the outskirts of the city, where the half-demolished structures are still visible on the horizon, I notice that the wind is silent. Instead, a soft breeze rustles the trees, trees that grow leaves like the one that now lies, suffocated beneath hot, black goo. I hear the sound of rushing water and turn my head to see a small brook at the base of a grassy hill. Above me, the sky is blue and the sun shines, and all at once I feel at …show more content…

Standing in the front row, are a small family. My mother, my father and my sister all wave to me, reaching out with filth-covered fingers and pale arms. They smile but their eyes are blank and reflective, their faces gaunt and sallow. I inhale sharply, shocked at their obliviousness to the disaster behind them. I try to beckon them over to me, but they shake their heads in shock and mouth words that are lost in the sea of voices surrounding them. A gentle tap on my shoulder and I glance back to see a concerned woman from the other group gesturing towards the trees. I look at her, then back at my family, hoping the confusion is clear in my expression. Then, all of a sudden it dawns on me; I have to choose. I have to make a choice between the small group of alternative and caring strangers behind me or the large crowd of conformists that stand in front of me, a group of people that are unaware of the damage they are creating due to their selfish ways, but also group of people that my loving, albeit blissfully ignorant, family belong to. My stomach drops and my hands begin to shake a little as I take in the two sides both waiting with questioning

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