Tribute To Tutff Research Paper

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Tribute To A Legend Adrenaline pumps through Lane’s veins as he ties his hand to the bull. A prayer escapes his lips, as he nods his head. Life itself flashes before his eyes, and he wonders if he will see the faces of his loved ones again. As the gate swings wide Taken Care Of Business rages, eight seconds seems like eight hours as the bull bucks and spins. Snot, sweat, and saliva from the bull flies through the air. The bell sounds and he jumps off and trips as he tries to get away from the bull, but it's too late to run, by the time he tries to crawl away the bull’s horn pierced Lanes side. He struggles to his feet and waves to Tuff for help. As Tuff runs out into the arena his friend hits the dirt, and his body becomes limp. The …show more content…

He was a very humble and loving person who loved Jesus more than anything. He was very good at encouraging others, and made sure to help others as much as he could. Lane had brown hair and brown eyes. While tuff had dirty blonde hair and blue eyes. As he gets on Fallen World the bull, he remembers his best friend. He nods and the gate swings wide. Lanes legacy came to life once more. The eight second bell rings, but he stays on and rides for Lane. The time keeps running, the Fallen World can’t move his rider. As the bull tires Tuff begins to fan the bull with his hat. Eight seconds turn into sixteen seconds. He jumps of the bull feeling closer to his friend lane than ever. He waves to the crowd like Lane did after every ride. Lanes legacy lives in the hearts of his fans and those who look up to him. “It was an emotional moment for Tuff” …”It was the only time I’ve gotten off a bull with tears running down my

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