Shore Road Mystery By Franklin W. Dixon

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Shore Road Mystery by Franklin W. Dixon

The Hardy boys, Frank and Joe, were driving down Shore Road and they heard a report about a stolen car. Frank and Joe raced towards the scene and saw the stolen car. Suddenly, a big red produce truck came right into the middle of the road. The boys had to slam on their brakes. They crashed into a fence and were dazed but not hurt The driver came out of the truck and said he was sorry. Frank thought something was fishy about the guy. They both went home and tried not to let their mother see all their cuts and bruises.

The next morning a man named Jack Dodd called and told the Hardy's to come quickly. The police were looking for someone who had stolen a car. The police thought they found their man. They found Jack Dodd's fishing rod in the trunk of one of the stolen cars. Jack told the police that he had not put it there and that he was being set up. The cops handcuffed Jack and his father and took them down to headquarters. Later on the police chief came to the Hardy's home telling them that the Dodd's had taken off in their station wagon. The Hardy's had known the Dodd's for a very long time and it just didn't seen like them to break the law.

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