Trauma In Freedom Research Paper

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Is trauma really just a bad thing or is it able to do good? Have Jaycee Dugard and her family been left traumatized or are they normal? In Freedom by Jaycee Dugard is an autobiography discussing Jaycee’s first experiences after being saved from captivity eighteen years later. Jaycee Dugard moves past trauma in order to improve a stronger mental strength. Jaycee’s mother moved past the trauma of losing her daughter, only to discover her eighteen years later, demonstrating her mental stability. Jaycee’s sister, Shayna, overcame difficulties she faced in her life, like losing her sister and getting her sister back into her life. These three women demonstrate that overcoming traumatic experiences can benefit the development of a person's overall …show more content…

The first struggle that Shayna overcomes is the bullying she faced in school. The bullying Shayna faced was discussed when Jaycee writes, “I think it’s important we teach kids how to be caring to one another. My little sister was bullied after I was taken, and when I found out upon my return, that made me really sad to think about her going through that” (236). Shayna had to endure constant pestering solely because her sister was kidnapped, and even though she was picked on, Shayna still loved her sister, the bullying allowed her to improve how caring and loyal she is. Furthermore, Shayna was able to overcome the fact that her sister wasn’t there for her when she needed her but was still able to help her sister if needed. Jaycee points this out when she says, “I enlisted the help of relatives and friends, but it was just too much. When Shayna and Garrett offered to take over, I was so thankful” (204). When Jaycee was looking for someone to lend her a hand, Shayna was there to give one, she took over part of Jaycee’s foundation purely because Jaycee needed her to. Additionally, Shayna overcame the fact that she had been separated from her sister for eighteen years and was able to become close with her sister. Jaycee writes about their connection when she writes, “ Despite not growing up, I think we have a lot in common. One time she texted me a picture of the colour she painted her nails, I sent her a ‘“ LOL … me too”’ text. I had just had mine painted the same shade of purple. What are the odds we would both pick that colour of our nails in the same week? We also share the same sense of humor and laugh at the same jokes” (201). The separation from her sister allowed Shayna to embrace older, mature, Jaycee, it allowed them to overcome any childhood differences, improving their current relationship. To sum

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