Tradition In The Alchemist

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There seems to be an overall dilemma with todays generation in regards as to what they want to do with their lives. Other people reach their calling at a very young age or even must go through troublesome tasks in order to completely free themselves from this burden. The book the alchemist by Paulo Coelho, takes its audience into the journey a young boy takes to find his ultimate treasure and making the best of his own destiny. The story begins with a young shepherd boy from Spain named Santiago Who desires to travel the world and see amazing things, as his journey begins many omens point the boy’s destiny toward the pyramids in Egypt where he will find his personal legend. As the boy gets to Africa he is stolen of all his money forcing him …show more content…

The vendor sees that Santiago's presence had brogue blessings to his business overall and gave Santiago a raise. As Santiago gains enough money he sets his journey once again to Egypt, with the experience of being a Shepard, crystal maker, and could now speak the language in Africa. Once the boy reached the pyramids he realizes his personal legend and sets out another journey for his lover, Fatima. Tradition plays a major role in Santiago's personal life and in the life of the people he meets in his travels that influence his life. Example of what how tradition influenced Santiago's life is the form of religion, how Santiago adapts to new tradition, the way Santiago makes a living, and language. There are many instances in which religion has an effect upon Santiago's journey. The most obvious experiences are …show more content…

This is held true to the first person Santiago meets who tricks him into being his friend but ends up stealing all of his money. This event brought even more blessing to Santiago to learn The Language of the world that allows Santiago to communicate with any person or thing because of the soul of the earth, the idea that everything is essentially alive and is in existence for cause and effect. In case Santiago is able to adapt to the Arabic lifestyle and clothes. It is essential for Santiago to blend in into society because people treat him differently when known that he is from a different land. How this influenced Santiago’s life is that it was a huge setback from his personal legend, nonetheless it is as the alchemist said, “What you still need to know is this: before a dream is realized, the Soul of the World tests everything that was learned along the way. It does this not because it is evil, but so that we can, in addition to realizing our dreams, master the lessons we’ve learned as we’ve moved toward that dream. That’s the point at which, as we say in the language of the desert, one ‘dies of thirst just when the palm trees have appeared on the horizon.” (Poelho 130)It is through Santiago’s trails in which a person can truly become wise. Another example is when the Alchemist remarks to Santiago about learning from books, “There is only one way to

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