Toxic Chemicals

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In our everyday lives, chemicals play a major role in almost everything we do. They are a part of what we eat, breath, live and work. Although chemicals are included in on our everyday lives, there are numerous of them that are toxic and hazardous. They are found in our soil, air, and bodies as well. This is not only becoming more of an issue to the health of humans but also wildlife everywhere. The chemicals are considered a contamination to the environment in which needs to be corrected to become more environmentally friendly and safe. Although toxic chemicals can affect any person of any age, it is certain that children of young ages are much more vulnerable than adults to the chemical pollutants that are harmful. This is due to the rapid development and growing as well as their behavior that includes much hand to mouth activity as well as the tendency to crawl and play in areas that may be contaminated. Young children’s lack of awareness and education about the proper sanitary habits as well as safety, are one of the few reasons they are put at a higher risk than other age groups. It is important to correct or improve toxic chemical issues in today’s world because it is very possible for a child to have serious health damage later on in life when exposed to these pollutants. Many toxic chemicals can be found in homes, schools, places of work and residential areas. Our build environments and many things in it have many sites of hazardous chemical contamination. All over the world people have many different types of chemicals inside their homes and these chemicals are an important part of how we live. They can be found in our water, in the dirt, in the air, and also in our bodies. They may be in the fo... ... middle of paper ... ...harmful chemicals is to change the way we choose the chemical products we buy. Adding to that, being selective on ways to clean our houses and care for our yards will also help the cause. By doing so, this will not only save you money but also make homes safer. These helpful ideas are great for reducing toxic exposures to the environment. According to Reduce.Org, “recently, indoor air pollution has been largely ignored as a source of exposure to toxicity.” However, equally as important, studies have shown that levels of these potent chemicals indoors may possibly exceed the EPA standards that are set to protect the environment from harmful chemicals. To correct this and reduce the risk of this happening, avoid purchasing and using products that are not free of toxic chemicals. Bottle labels will have a description of what chemicals are used in the product.

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