Touching Spirit Bear Analysis

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When comparing Ghost of Spirit Bear and Touching Spirit Bear the books are both similar and different in many ways. In Touching Spirit Bear, the theme is whatever you do to someone or something you do to yourself. This statement is correct because the book says "Edwin tightened his grip as if in warning. 'Whatever you do to the animals, you do to yourself. Remember that'"(Mikaelsen 18). After hearing this statement and attacking the Spirit Bear, Cole realizes what Edwin says is true. From then on, he began to change and then knew how to help Peter. However, in Ghost of Spirit Bear, the theme is a little different. Its theme is that anyone can change if they want to. This is one theme of Touching Spirit Bear but, Cole really learns from how he tried to hurt the Spirit Bear. In contrast, when it comes to Ghost of Spirit Bear, Cole and Peter are trying to make the school a better place. Then, the kids and principal at the school realize, you can change if you want. The evidence for this statement is "Almost pleading, Cole said,' Mrs. Kennedy, you said it yourself-all your changes don't mean anything if we don't change ourselves on the inside'"(Mikaelsen 98). This shows that to change the school, you need to change on the inside. But, you can only change if you want to. So, the school wants to change and it leads to a better school environment. …show more content…

They are different because Touching Spirit Bear talks about whatever you do it hurts you inside and to also respect everything else the way you respect yourself. On the other hand, the Ghost of Spirit Bear theme discusses change and how who you are is how you're school will be. These theme are similar, in Touching Spirit Bear, Cole learns how to control his anger and to be not take it out on other people. Likewise, in Ghost of Spirit Bear the school is trying to become a better environment and trying to change too, by controlling the anger and violence of the

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