Tomi And Keet Comparison Essay

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Tomi and Keet are kind of the same, at least in some ways. They are also kind of different. They are different in personalities. Keet in many ways are different, but somehow they are similar in some ways. They do not physically look the same. Keet is different from Tomi in many ways. One way is in chapter 3 paragraph 30 and it says, Keet likes anything to do with the military. Secondly he is different because he is a bully to Tomi and his friends because in chapter 9 paragraph 36 it said that Keet tried to fight Billy and Tomi. Lastly, Keet is different because he is a bad fighter because in chapter 16 paragraph 35 it says that Rico took a “crack” or swing at Keet again and Tomi could hear the flesh on flesh getting punched. That is how Keet and Tomi are different. Tomi is also different from Keet in many ways too. First, Tomi is a caring friend because in chapter 12 paragraph 18 Tomi wanted Rico to get out of the water because he didn’t want his wound to get infected. Secondly, Tomi is brave because in chapter 9 paragraph 35 because it says when Keet swung his fist at Tomi his fist missed Tomi and if I were Tomi I would be running. Lastly, Tomi is smart …show more content…

First of all, Tomi and Keet are strong because in chapter 2 paragraph 31 it says ”But I was strong too, because everyday I worked at lifting a thirty-pound boulder I found in a stream to build myself up for baseball.” In chapter 9 paragraph 16 it says that Keet had wiry, muscular arms. Second, they both used to be friends with each other because in chapter 3 paragraph 27 it said “we used to be friend me and him”. Lastly, they are both trying to please their dad’s because in chapter 10 paragraph 2 it says he couldn’t let the boat stay their because he doesn’t want his family to fall apart. In chapter 44 paragraph 74 Charlie said that it doesn’t matter what Keet does as long as Mr. Wilson notices him.Those are the ways Keet and Tomi are the

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