To Kill A Mockingbird Quotes To Show Courage

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Exploring the world as a maturing young adult, she possesses curiousness and compassion. Nothing can stand in their way , nothing can stop them from the goal they want to achieve whether taking a stand for what they believe in or just trying to be friendly. It takes a valiant effort to beat up your own brother , it takes a valiant effort to live in a town with a man who wants to murder you and your family , it takes a valiant effort to understand all the these cruel words and statements being said about . Dwelling in a town filled with african americans that dodge racist white people that try to exterminate them, white people trying to get rid of the african americans that live there,but then there are people like the finches. They are …show more content…

Multiple confrontations that could scar a child for life, or would leave them hiding from life. Scout shows courage through her disobedience. “I had leaped triumphantly into a ring of people I had never seen before… 'Don't you touch him!' I kicked the man swiftly. Bare-footed, I was surprised to see him fall back in real pain"(78). Being such a young girl, Scout embodies courage in how she has the ability to challenge a large group of people in society and stand up for what she believes is right. Eventually, her father, Atticus, was with a lynch mob and Scout noticed that the mob of men were going to potentially hurt him. Being the girl she was, she jumped in when one of the men was getting rough with her brother Jem. A quote that shows how she demonstrates courage is, “I drew a bead on him, remembered what Atticus had said, then dropped my fists and walked away, 'Scout's a coward!' ringing in my ears. It was the first time I ever walked away from a fight”(89). Walking away from a fight is a pretty big act of courage. Courage is evident, she shows it because she chooses to embrace it for what things can be instead of for what they

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