To Kill A Mockingbird Limitations

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Critical analysis What idea does the novel suggest about limitations and its impact on people’s life? We as humans are born restricted in every way possible, but we are a curious being so we try to overcome this limit. But the drive to overcome those limits are not present in many of us. Many of those individuals who have it restrained from overcoming their limits. They feel that limits define us as a person because when we overcome a limit we change as a person. Due to this, many people do not want to change because they feel like they will lose their personal identity. They feel that if they lose who they are, everything they have done and achieved up till now may be lost. In the end, they fear that change is a will change everyone and ruin their life. For this reason, they prevent change by limiting everyone, including themselves from changing . “To kill a mockingbird”, a novel set in the town of …show more content…

Just as her name suggests, she is a scout, who explores the town of Maycomb, where the majority of the people are discriminatory, sexist, and racist. Because she is a child, we see the reality of the situation in this town, even after more than 60 years have passed since the equality act. She shows us through her untainted and navie perspective how the majority of the people are against the idea of change. The white people in Maycomb are accustomed to treating black people like animals; naturally, the black and other casts resent the white because they think that they are superior to others. This is because their family has been doing it till now without questioning their way of life,as if they were following an invisible rulebook saying that anyone who does not obey their rules will be punished. For instance, Calpurnia, a maid in Scout's home; took Scout and Jem to a black church, but since Scout and Jem were both white, they were in trouble. The notion that white kids in a black church caused a big

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