To Kill A Mockingbird Journey

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“To Kill A Mockingbird”, a story by Harper Lee, tells the tale of a young girl named Scout. She lives with her father Atticus Finch, who is a lawyer, and her older brother Jem in Maycomb, Alabama. This story follows Scout through the journey of growing up over the time period of a few years, and also shows us her learning some very crucial life lessons. Its summer in Maycomb, Alabama when Scout and Jem get a new next door neighbor Dill , who lives with his aunt during the summer. The three children become interested in Boo Radley, who was a neighbor who had gotten in trouble with the police when he was young and his father kept him trapped inside the house as his punishment. Later his father died but Boo had still not been out of his home in a very long time. The children do things like dare each other to run and touch the house and peek through the shutters. All of the children's attempts seem to fail but something suspicious does seem to occur. They begin to find treats and candy hidden in the tree outside of the house. On the last night that Dill is in Mayfield for that summer...

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