To Kill A Mockingbird Dialectical Journal

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“‘Don’t look at me, Link Deas, like I was dirt. I aint jumped your…’ ‘But why should he try to burgle John Taylor’s house? He obviously didn’t know John was home or he wouldn’t have tried. Only light John shows on Sunday nights are the front porch and back in his den…’ ‘You don’t know if Bob Ewell cut that screen, you don’t know who did it,’ said Atticus. ‘But I can guess. I proved him a liar but John made him look like a fool.’” (334-335) “... Mr. Ewell stopped Atticus at the post office corner, spit in his face, and told him he’d get him if it took him the rest of his life.” (290) Bob Ewell is characterized as white trash. He has a low social status and education causing him to be looked upon with disdain by the rest of the town. He

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