To Kill A Mockingbird Chapter 12 Analysis

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In chapter 12, Calpurnia brought Scout and Jem into a black church and they weren't accepted at first because of Lula. She didn't want to have white children in their church. “You ain’t got no business bringin‘ white chillun here—they got their church, we got our’n. It is our church, ain’t it, Miss Cal?" African Americans and whites didn't go to the same church and schools. So when Scout and Jem went to their church, it was very strange for both racial groups. People were so used to being segregated in certain areas that it was such a surprise to see two white kids in an African American church. Scout and Jem didn't feel comfortable with it either. In the text it says “Jem said, “Let’s go home, Cal, they don’t want us here—.” Then Calpurnia

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