Titanic Persuasive Essay

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The Titanic's maiden voyage was a disaster because they never made it to the main voyage. Captain Smith decided not to listen to the radio and follow his own opinion/facts. Also, the ship was destroyed due to brittle fracture on parts of the ship. Everyone thought that it was unsinkable. But in all reality, any ship/boat can sink no matter what. There are way too many creatures and bumps in the ocean and/or sea´s. Iceberg´s are the main causes of boats sinking. If Captain Smith would have just listened to the radio instead of thinking he knows everything then maybe the boat would not have killed so many people. The Titanic's voyage was a disaster because the number of warnings the Titanic received before the collision. Also, there was problems in how the Titanic was modeled and built. The position in where the bolts were put were too far down. The water level had risen faster due to the fact that it was built wrong. The fact that the Titanic split in two was tragic to most people because they believed it wasn´t capable of that. Allieyha believes that it was the builders of the Titanic and Captain Smith's fault due to the fact that the Titanic sank. …show more content…

The ship was poorly designed and water came in faster due to the design being so horrible. They ignored the warnings from the radio and there surroundings in the ocean. The contact with the iceberg cause the rivets to fail, the rivets just simply popped off as the iceberg was striking the ship. Water compartments in the ship were poorly designed. Allieyha made a opinion that states, the designer was only thinking of what would look cool on the hssip rather than what is

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