Time Capsule Research Paper

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The swift tides of change sweep the world; adjusting and revising civilizations at a rapid rate. Over the course of even a few years the daily lives of people as well as the state of the planet, can change drastically. One way to preserve information about the present is what is known as a time capsule. A time capsule is a container that people put objects or writing in which is then often buried until a certain number of years have passed. The capsule is then opened by future generations and the items give an image of what life was like before. Often, they may be filled with various toys and gadgets, but really the most important items are pictures of the area from around the time capsule’s resting spot, a few pages that people have wrote about their daily lives, and a Detailed book about current events. Landscapes and environments develop quickly. Where there was once vast grassland there may now be a sprawling metropolis. Photographs are a necessity in any time capsule. Having photographs of the area gives future inhabitants a glimpse into the past lives of people. Without them there would only be descriptions. On picture can do more than vast pages of detailed descriptions. That is why anyone making a time capsule should include a variety of photos inside it. …show more content…

An archeologist finds a piece of broken pot or a grain of rice and determines that this culture used clay and had a diet of mostly rice. These guesses can be accurate but how much better is it when people leave documents detailing their daily lives and routines? Each and every time capsule should have some well-preserved pages about the life of the average citizen. Often histories give great detail about the large accomplishments of the nation as a whole but not so much about the day to day activities of the people. If one preserved this information for future generations they would have an easier time seeing what life was like for people

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