Three Poisons: Nichiren Buddhism

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Religions and philosophies have attempted to diagnosis the human problem and explain its causes for centuries. The four main approaches to this are situated in four different approaches to religion or spirituality. Christianity attempts to explain the human problem in terms of original sin. Humanity's problem is the fault of inherited sin, and a distance from God; only by accepting salvation from God can man heal. Stoicism posits that the human problem is best explained by a lack of knowledge, and can be healed as such. Confucianism explains the human problem as a lack of fulfilling relationships. Humans gain happiness and solve the problem of human suffering in their own lives by following the proper social order. Buddhism explains human suffering as the fault of three poisons as explanation for suffering: ignorance of life's real nature, greed for material things, and anger toward others ("Nichiren Buddhist", n.d.). Cleansing oneself of these by ridding oneself of attachments will lead to enlightenment and then happiness or contentment. References …show more content…

of the Three Poisons . (n.d.). Retrieved May 04, 2016, from

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