Three Methods Psychologists Use To Study The Brain Essay

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Describe three methods that psychologists use to study the brain. Identify the potential advantages and disadvantages of each method that you describe. Lesions Provide a Picture of What Is Missing: This is one way that psychologists use to study the brain. In this method, they will be studying if a human brain is live or damage. One of the major advantages of this method is that the brain can be fully studied and disadvantage is that by the time they study the brain, it may not be active anymore. For example, testing or studying the human brain after the strokes fall, automobile accidents, gunshots, or tumors. Recording Electrical Activity in the Brain: Another way of psychologists uses to study the brain by studying the electrical activity created by the firing of its neurons. In this method psychologists used one that can be used on living humans, is electroencephalography (EEG). This can be so useful method because an EEG can show if a person is asleep, awake, or …show more content…

The proportion of each of the three cones types that are active determines our perception of color. Evidence suggests that trichromatic theory accurately describes color processing in the retina itself. Opponent-process theory: Color-sensitive receptor cells are linked in pairs: black-white pairs, yellow-blue pairs, and red-green pairs. If an object reflects blue light, it will simultaneously excite the blue sensitive receptors and inhibit the yellow-sensitive ones. The opponent-process theory explains color vision at the level of the ganglion cells and in the cortex. It provides a good explanation of afterimages. When the yellow-sensitive component of the yellow-blue pairing, for example, becomes fatigued through continued stimulation, only the blue component is able to respond, shifting the perceptual balance toward that

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