Thomas Tilton Research Paper

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Draft My name is Thomas Wilton, but on earth they call me Hyperion. I am eighteen years old and I am from an advanced species called the Ofreygans. My home planet was overrun by an elite force called the Xegrow. The Xegrows are a relentless killing force that will stop at nothing to become the dominant species. My people had a gift given to us by the Alpha Ofreygan in case of an attack. It was the ability to absorb and manipulate light, but it wasn't enough. The Xegrows also had a gift, the power to control the element that is most dominant, which in our case was Osmium. The densest element in our universe. They used the ability with brute force and deadly precision. My people and I were forced to leave our planet. My mother put me in one of the escape pods and set my course for earth, a populated planet to start a new life on as we have the same humanoid shape. But before my parents could get in theirs, a Xegrow managed to infiltrate the launch pad. My father shouted something to my mum and I blasted into the air, heading towards earth. I never knew what happened to my parents or rest of my people. I remember that day all too well. …show more content…

The cloudless night sky revealed the sparkling stars. The towers off in the distance flash all colours imaginable. The light beside me emitted just enough light so that only I am illuminated. I raised my palm with little effort and the light started to peel off the lamp and float in the air. I wiggled my fingers like the puppeteer does with his puppets. It’s like a galaxy dancing around in front of my face. All this was the most beautiful thing I have seen in his life but it felt like I was excluding myself from humanity. I stared at the sky intently as if wanting something to happen, and something did. One star, getting bigger and brighter. Only then did I realise that it wasn’t a star, it was a meteor and it was heading straight for the

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