Thomas Jr Absent Father

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Thomas Jr.’s issues are mainly related to having an absent father throughout his life, as well as the impact it left on him. Due to Thomas Sr.’s absence, Thomas Jr. acquired several fixations which are shown through his explanation of the story of “The Sixth Borough”. As mentioned in Absent Fathers, Lost Sons by Guy Corneau, the term “absent fathers” refers to both the psychological and physical unavailability of fathers and it implies a spiritual and emotional deficiency. Thomas Jr. had an non attending father throughout his life, therefore he had a fixation on missing what he never had, a present paternal figure. Throughout the analysis of Thomas Jr., we can see that he relates his story about “The Sixth Borough” to himself as a child with …show more content…

was aloof and unforthcoming, likewise to the Sixth Borough, being cut off and distant from central park. Comparably to Thomas Jr. who felt broken, phone and electrical lines snapped, and “the eight bridges between Manhattan and the Sixth Borough strained and finally crumbled, one at a time, into the water. The tunnels were pulled too thin to hold anything at all.” (Safran Foer p.219) As well, Thomas Jr. was fixated on the ability to get agency. Due to the absence of his father, Thomas Jr. was forced to identify with his mother, who was unable to move forward as well, therefore he was inflicted with the task of emotionally providing for her. Thomas Jr. consequently felt trapped and unable to move forward, similar to the suffocating fireflies in the jars from the Sixth Borough. Thomas Jr. also related his story to himself while elucidating how “one year - many, many years ago - the end of the jumper’s big toe skimmed the surface of the river, causing a little ripple. People gasped as the ripple traveled out from the Sixth Borough back towards Manhattan, knocking the jars of fireflies against one another like wind chimes.” (Safran Foer p.218) The effect the jumper’s big toe left on the river symbolizes the rippling effect Thomas Sr. left on his son’s life by leaving, as his absence caused his son to lack

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